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    * If you have a coupon, please add it in the Project Notes above, and for multiple source languages, submit a separate quote request for each unique source language.

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    How can I trust that your translations will be accurate? Do you have any references?
    Where is Day Translations located?
    What languages do you translate?
    What’s the difference between a certified and a notarized translation?
    What is a “sworn translator” and do you have any available?
    I have a birth certificate that I want translated and certified. Can you provide this service?
    How can I send my documents to Day Translations?
    How long will it take for my documents to be translated?
    Do I need to submit original documents to you?
    What are your payment terms and methods?
    What currencies do you accept?
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    We follow a strict 5-step workflow to ensure that your translations are 100% accurate, every time. We so firmly stand behind this, that we give you a lifetime guarantee.